Author: Ms Barraclough

Healthy Schools

Healthy Schools monitor lunchtimes to see who is eating lots of fruit and vegetables. We have special healthy eating stickers to give out. Healthy Schools learn lots of facts about why this food is so important to eat. We are planning to do an assembly to share these facts with the rest of the school.

Fitness Friends

At the beginning of the year, we decided upon two targets to work towards. They are:

1. To encourage children to become fitter and play games at play time.

2. To continue to encourage sportsmanship and fair play when playing competitive games.

In order to support achieving these targets, we set up Fitness Friday. This allows for each class to play a game on a designated area of the yard. The Fitness Friends work in pairs to deliver and lead the games. Our hope is that this will encourage children to play similar games for all the other play times too.

So far this has been a great success and the feedback from children and staff has been very positive.

Our next piece of business is to decide what sporting equipment we need to purchase for school to make sport more accessible for all.