Year Reception/Nursery News

We have enjoyed using stories to help us with our learning this month. We have enjoyed stories by the author Julia Donaldson – Room on the Broom and Stickman. We used Room on the Broom to help us consider friendship. Children created their own broomsticks and talked about who they were friends with in school to join them on their broomstick. We played some fun games in P.E. to help us get to know everyone in the class better like making a giant spider’s web! We have practised retelling the story using stick puppets and role play activities. Reception had to order the pictures from the story and retell it in their own words.










Stickman helped us think about where we live in the world and we enjoyed looking at a globe to find out. We had a discussion to find all of the different ways we can use a stick. Reception used different sized sticks to develop their understanding of measure.

We have worked hard to recognise different numbers and count up to 5 and 10. We like playing different games to help us develop our counting skills. We have lots of maths challenges to complete around the classroom.

In preparation for World Kindness Day on the 13th November, we came up with an act of kindness to do in school each day of the week. We learnt about the story of Diwali and created our own Diva lamps to spread a little light in the world. Reception made their own Rangoli patterns as part of their outdoor learning session.